Sunday, December 30, 2007

Questionable Bulldogs at a Puppy Farm

I looked at the Google ads on our blog, and I noticed one from a local kennel called Laughlin Kennel in Oxford, MA. I initially though, cool, a local spot for bulldog puppies! But then I clicked on the link...

First clue that this is a puppy farm: They claim to offer over 30 different breeds. These aren't breeders. They are animal wholesalers. Breeders will specialize in certain types of breeds and know the breed characteristics and idiosyncracies. For example, our wonderful breeder breeds a handful of bulldogs, boston terriers, and bull terriers in her super nice, really clean home-based kennel. 

Most important clue that this might not be a place for you to get a bulldog: The puppies don't look like bulldogs. They all look like mixes. 

So watch out for these types of "breeders," unless this is the kind of bulldog you want! 

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