Monday, April 16, 2007

Charlee Bear Liver Treats

We've been using Charlee Bear liver treats with Ruki for quite some time. We mix them up with Old Mother Hubbard biscuits (the small ones in assorted flavors) and Merrick Breath Biscuits. But the Charlee Bears were her least favorite until I discovered this trick.

If I offered her a Charlee Bear, she'd just swallow them. Not much fun, not much pleasure. But then I realized, maybe she'd get more taste if I snapped them into pieces before giving them to her--a flavor explosion is how I term it.

And it worked. She loves them now. So if I need her to do something, I'll take a Charlee Bear between my thumb and my index and middle finger, and "snap" it into pieces and then offer it to her.

Just a little hint for using these low-calorie, super-simple, little treats for training.

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