Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Chewing on Feet - Allergies?

So Ruki's been in the habit of chewing on her feet after she wakes up from naps. At first, I just thought it was weird, but then I decided to Google it just to figure out what's going on...

And apparently dogs chew on their feet because they get itchy from allergic reactions. Crap. Another thing to worry about.

I talked to the vet technician on the phone--again, the Merwin Free Clinic--and she said that it's probably allergies, but I shouldn't worry about it unless it starts bleeding. So for now the 10 or so seconds that Ruki spends chewing at her feet isn't such a bad thing.

I also noticed some cracks on her pads. I'm going to put Bag Balm on them 2-3 times a day for the next few days and see if that helps.

012506 Update: Since I started worrying about it, Ruki pretty much stopped chewing on her feet. My suspicion is maybe the fabric softener or detergent in the towel we use to line her crate is the culprit. I'll check to see if she chews after the next time I wash that towel.

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