Friday, November 10, 2006

Walking the Bulldog, Pt 2

So now I'm paying for my hubris. I thought I had Ruki all figured out on the walking part. Now she's worse than ever. I've tried everything, and walking has become more than a chore, but a *battle*.

Here's a good discussion on the difficulty of walking a bulldog puppy.

I've recently been treating her up and down the stairs with some all-meat treat strips (these 1 square cm bits, that I break in half), and sliced-up baby carrots on the walks outside. I wonder if different food associations mean different things--and whether this is a good or bad thing. I think maybe the best thing to do is keep on mixing it up.


On a somewhat similar note, Ruki is now averaging one accident a day, and largely b/c of our fault. In fact, last night, she peed on our bed. Awesome.

What it comes down to is that at 4 months, she's still too young to trust. She pees when she needs to--and so far has only learned not to pee in her crate.

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