Friday, February 09, 2007

Post-Spaying Housetraining Regression

So Ruki's 6 1/2 months, and we had her spayed about three weeks ago. The night we brought her home, she was out of it--drugged up and miserable, scared of open spaces. The next day she was in pain--whining and crying non-stop. The day after that she seemed better, but then tried to run around a bit, and then I think she hurt herself again, and she was back to crying.

For a week, we limited her exercise--carrying her up and down stairs to go outside just to pee, and then right back inside. By the 6th day, I think she was ready to go. I took her for short walks to the end of the block and back. By day 10, we were back to normal. And that's when she walked into the hallway for a bit and came back and when I walked to the bathroom, there was a pool of pee waiting for me.

Over about a week, she peed in the house four times. Once on a rug, once in our bedroom on the floor, and twice, one after another, right in front of me. I thought, oh no! Incontinence due to spaying! Or urinary tract infection! Or she's challenging me!

But I think it's that she was back to drinking lots of water at night, and so I went back to taking her out to pee first thing in the morning. I don't have to "start all over," I just have to be better about taking her out first thing in the morning and trying to take her out at least once late at night, like 8.30 p.m. or 9.30 p.m.

So my thinking, "All is lost!" is not true. I just can't afford to be too lazy just yet.

(On a side note, people who think that bulldogs are a lazy breed... They don't need as much exercise as other breeds, but Ruki's in no couch potato!)

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