Saturday, October 28, 2006

Over-Tired Puppy

I'm not sure if Ruki's getting enough sleep... I realized, and researched, that there's a "condition" called "over-tired puppy." Yesterday, I walked her... A LONG WAY. Let her play off-leash in the park with a ball and stick. And then, on our way back, she was just CRANKY.

I also wonder that when I pull her out of the crate--not literally, but I open up the crate door and "encourage" her to come out so I can take her out during her scheduled pee times--why she's so stubborn. I think she's just cranky because I woke her up. And she's tired. And then when I take her out, she's still stubborn and cranky.

I think maybe I have to figure out how to readjust her pee schedule to her nap schedule.

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