Friday, October 20, 2006

The Ride Home and the First Night

We've had Ruki for almost two weeks now. We picked her up in Brooklyn and drove her to new home in Boston at night. We had her in a crate with a papered bottom. She had a rough ride. Whining, crying, and barking, eventually poo-ing in the crate. We managed to stop just north of New York City, stopping at a K-mart to buy cleaning supplies and get some new paper. After that, I think we were pretty clear up until Boston.

The first night, we crated her in our bedroom with paper on the bottom. She cried and cried and cried. We initially resisted her, but I'm pretty sure I took her out for a walk around 3 a.m.

We let her sleep in our bedroom for about 5 days, after which we moved her to the living room, which is where she has been since. We've also since removed the paper from the crate, as well as any t-shirts or blankets we used to put in there.

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